SALT LAKE CITY, (December 22, 2009) - Tunis Productions announced today, that the highly anticipated action feature film DENIZEN completed post-production and is preparing for distribution. DENIZEN is the third feature of the award winning director, producer, writer and actress J.A. Steel.
DENIZEN, starring Julie Lisandro (Cheerleader Massacre) and Glen Jensen (Fingerprints), is about a group of scientists, who have to stop a mysterious creature from attacking a small town. By combining A-list stunts and special effects, DENIZEN pushes the independent B-Movie genre to a completely new level. Filmed in nine days in Steel's guerilla style filmmaking on film and 24p video, DENIZEN spans the hemisphere from Muskogee, Oklahoma to Salt Lake City, Utah to Playa del Carmen in Mexico. Along with the unique locations, the stunts ranged from skydiving to cave diving, something rarely seen in an independent feature.
Drawing on her experience in her first feature film, THE THIRD SOCIETY, Steel brought back a tough motorcycle riding main character in form of Sierra Deacon. It is Deacon's team, consisting of the highly skilled scientists Dexter Maines (Ben Bayless) and Dallas Murphy (Jody Mullins), which has to support the locals, led by Callie Calhoun (Julie Lisandro), to save their town from the creature, that is killing the residents. After several deaths, a special Army Unit, led by General Jernigan (Glen Jensen), is called in to contain the creature, or if necessary, destroy the town. It is a race against time, to stop the creature and prevent the town from being destroyed.
Tunis Productions recently released the action short DIVE THE DEEP BLUE: TIBURON.
About Tunis Productions, Inc.
A sister company of Warrior Entertainment, Inc, Tunis Productions is bringing A List action to independent film on a micro budget.
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Phone: 818-590-4233